ERT is pleased to announce our successful recompete of our Office of Habitat Conservation (OHC) Scientific, Technical, and Program Support Services contract, which we have been supporting since 2012. The OHC—part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which operates under the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)—provides funding and technical support for both community-based and strategic large-scale habitat conservation projects. Several divisions within the OHC play a part in the conservation and restoration of coastal and marine habitats, which are essential for the resilience and productivity of marine ecosystems, the recovery and conservation of protected species, and the sustainability of fisheries.

Through our new 5-year contract, ERT will support the OHC in safeguarding vital marine habitats such as coral reefs, seagrasses, and wetlands, which are essential for biodiversity and the health of marine populations. These efforts not only sustain fisheries and dependent communities but also bolster resilience against environmental changes. ERT will support the OHC in undertaking projects to restore degraded habitats to their natural functionality, which includes activities such as wetland restoration and invasive species removal, critical for both commercial and recreational fisheries. Collaboration is fundamental to the OHC’s approach. ERT will be providing support for partnering with stakeholders including government agencies, non-profits, and community groups to amplify impact and resource efficiency. Through science-driven research and policy development, ERT will support the OHC as they strive to better understand habitat dynamics and influence national and international conservation policies, aiming to mitigate environmental impacts and promote sustainable marine resource use.